Archiv des Autors: ivoringe

small structures

eine internationale Gruppenausstellung mit „kleinen Formaten“ von

Ilse Aberer, Edgar Diehl, Christian Eder, Helmuth Hager, Erica Heisinger, Barbara Höller, Ingrid Hornef, Christiane Grimm, Vesna Kovacic, Ivo Ringe, Otto Scherer, Hans Schork, René Daniel Sieber, Rolf Schneebeli, Oliver Thiele, Ludwig Wilding

Kurator Otto Scherer

Vernissage am Mittwoch 12. Jänner 2022 um 19 Uhr
Einleitende Worte: Hartwig Knack, Kunsthistoriker

Ausstellung 13. bis 29. Jänner 2022
Mi, Do, Fr von 15 bis 19 Uhr, Sa von 15 bis 18 Uhr

2022 sehsaal: small strctures

Bescherungsauflagen 2021

Druckgraphik, Editionen und Auflagenobjekte

Adidal Abou-Chamat | Garance Arcadias | Chris Bierl | Heiner Blumenthal | Burkard Blümlein | Britta Bogers | Claudia Desgranges | Rupert Eder | Judith Egger | Wolfgang Ellenrieder | Janos Fischer | David John Flynn | Doris Hahlweg | Angelika Hoegerl | Sabrina Hohmann | Mary Kim | Christoph Lammers | JiYoun Lee | Erwin Legl | mittelnett | Jürgen Paas | Dagmar Pachtner | Bärbel Praun | Gesa Puell | Ivo Ringe | Esther Rutenfranz | Heather Sheehan | Rose Stach | Sophie Strasser | Veronika Veit | Maria Wallenstål-Schönberg | Stefan Wischnewski | Doris Maximiliane Würgert | Uli Zwerenz

Hier und Jetzt

Stephan Marienfeld und Künstlerfreunde

Stadtmuseum Hattingen
20. November 2021 bis 6. Februar 2022

Das Land Nordrhein-Westfalen ist eine der dichtesten und vielfältigsten Kulturlandschaften Europas. Unterschiedliche Bereiche wie Museen, Galerien, Kunstvereine und private Initiativen tragen dazu bei, dass Kunst ein wichtiger Teil unseres gesellschaftlichen Lebens ist. Vielfalt auch in Hattingen und das nehmen Hattinger Künstler zum Anlass, auf Grund einer Einladung anlässlich des 20-jährigen Jubiläums des Museums spannungsreiche Präsentationen mit ausgewählten Künstlerfreunden zu kuratieren.

Ausgewählte Arbeiten der eingeladenen international renommierten Künstler*innen werden spannungsreich in den Raum komponiert und treten in einen Dialog mit den Arbeiten von Stephan Marienfeld. Sie laden die Betrachtenden zur Auseinandersetzung mit den zeitgenössischen Positionen ein und eröffnen unterschiedliche Seh- und Sichtweisen. 

Joaquim Chancho / Ivo Ringe: Resonanzen

November 19 – February 28, 2022

Gemalte Freundschaft! Barcelona – Köln
Der Maler Joaquim Chancho lebt in Barcelona, der Maler Ivo Ringe lebt in Köln. Die beiden Metropolen pflegen seit 1984 eine offizielle Städtepartnerschaft. Auch die beiden Künstler verbindet eine langjährige Freundschaft sowie das Interesse an bzw. der Respekt für das jeweilige Werk
Lineare Setzungen und die Modulation von Binnenformen bilden das Grundvokabular beider Positionen.
In unserer Anordnung von Bildpaaren läßt sich eine innere Resonanz ablesen. Die Entwicklung von Werk zu Werk scheint wie ein Widerhall – in der Formfindung und interessanterweise auch bzgl. der Farbentwicklung. Beide Künstler arbeiten in ihren Ateliers vollkommen autonom. der künstlerische Diskurs ergibt sich über die vollendeten Ergebnisse, nicht etwa im Prozess des Malens. Gerade deshalb erstaunt das Echo, das es bisweilen zwischen Katalonien und dem Rheinland zu geben scheint, umso mehr.


naugural show at 94 Walker Street

November 6 – December 11, 2021

Featured artists include Karlos Carcamo, Robert
Otto Epstein, John Franklin, Eleni
Giannapolou, Robert Goldman, Dennis
Hollingsworth, Jill Levine, Ariane Lopez-Huici,
Stephen Maine, Bobbie Oliver, David Rhodes,
Ivo Ringe, Rebecca Smith, Gary Stephan,
Jason Stopa, Melanie Vote, and Joan

TEN marks a spiritual return to Hionas’ roots.
Beginning in the spring of 2011, Peter Hionas
opened a modest storefront gallery on Franklin Street in Tribeca, not much bigger than the
current space, and established a mission to invite contemporary and emerging artists to
participate in monthly exhibitions to showcase their latest work and artistic vision. One year and
12 solo shows later, the gallery presented the group show ONE, featuring select individual
works by all artists showcased in the gallery’s inaugural year. Today, 10 years, four gallery
spaces, and dozens of solo and group exhibitions later, Hionas returns to Tribeca with a new
200 square-foot space, which features double-height ceilings and a street-facing gallery wall to
draw in viewers.
TEN brings together an all-star international lineup of artists working in all variety of media –
including painting, photography, sculpture, and installation – who have previously exhibited at
Hionas over the years, most of them in multiple shows and several in more than one space.
According to Hionas, “We’ve put on incredible shows and featured so many fantastic artists
throughout the years, all in small spaces where you can really engage with their work. I want to
keep that going, and this new jewel box space of ours on Walker Street feels like home.”

Caleidoscopio Arte Contemporanea in Germania

“KALEIDOSCOPE was born from the desire to investigate the artistic heritage present in that vast area made up of German-speaking countries, having inevitably found that, even in a culture that is progressively more and more oriented towards Europeanism, there is a low rate of circulation in the artistic culture . ”
Andrea B. Del Guercio, curator of the exhibition

he works on display by 7 German artists will show different ways of making art in contemporary Germany. A plurality of voices that intersect, combine and overlap, are the basis of this exhibition and editorial project, the result of a long process of investigation.

From Berlin works by MAX DIEL who, with his images, recounts that suspended time that unites the present with the past, and BEN SLEEUWENHOEK who, with his art, seeks the perfect balance between different data. From Cologne, RAINER GROSS with its diptychs suggesting the opening of a book, CLAUDIA DESGRANGES and its “dragged” color and “dilated” light, IVO RINGE with its “painting boards”, and RITA ROHLFING with the his “industrial art”; and finally from Munich MARIA WALLENSTALL SCHOEMBERG and the “joie de vivre” of her chromatic solutions.

Foto: Eberhard Weible

Wuensch Collection

Museum Lapidarium&Gallery Rigo

Wuensch Collection

The opening of the exhibition: Friday, September 3, 2021 at 9.30 pm in the presence of collector and artists.

Opening speech: Stephanie Karner, director of the Austrian Cultural Forum Zagreb
Curated by Jerica Ziherl

The program was funded by the Österreichisches Kulturforum Zagreb-Austrian Cultural forum Zagreb, City of Novigrad-Cittanova, and the Ministry of Culture and Media of the Republic of Croatia.

As part of the exhibition program, the Novigrad Museum often presents public or private collections, which thematizes the relationship between artists and collectors, private and public, the art market or simply what all collectors have in common, a passion for collecting.
So this year we chose the Collection of Winfried Wuensch, owner of the Aircube Gallery in Linz, which started working in the 1990s and has become one of Austria’s important private collections of contemporary art including works by more than a hundred artists.

The exhibition presents Austrian and German artists dealing with abstract, conceptual and geometric art. Works by Croatian artists that Wuensch has been collecting for years will also be exhibited.

Artists presented at the exhibition: Josef Bauer, Ivan Contreras-Brunet, Eugen Gomringer, Jürgen Wolff, Franz Mon, Alain-Jaques Levrier-Muffat, Helmut Bruch, Renate Krammer, Günter Walter, Istvan Haasz, HD Schrader, Gerhard Rühm, Josef Linschinger, Vesna Kovačić, Ðanino Božić, Tomislav Brajnović, Reinhard Roy, Vaclav Malina, Siegfried Amtmann, Hasso von Henninges, Andreas Kocks, Ulrich Nausner, Gerhard Frömel, Ivo, Ringe, Otto Reitsperger, Vera Röhm, Estela Sokol, Hanns Herpich, Günther Uecker.

The exhibition can be visited until October 3, 2021 during the museum’s opening hours:
3-15/9 from Monday to Saturday 10:00 – 13:00 / 19:00 – 21:00
16/9-3/10 from Monday to Friday 9:00 – 15:00