Andrea B. Del Guercio, curator of the exhibition
he works on display by 7 German artists will show different ways of making art in contemporary Germany. A plurality of voices that intersect, combine and overlap, are the basis of this exhibition and editorial project, the result of a long process of investigation.
From Berlin works by MAX DIEL who, with his images, recounts that suspended time that unites the present with the past, and BEN SLEEUWENHOEK who, with his art, seeks the perfect balance between different data. From Cologne, RAINER GROSS with its diptychs suggesting the opening of a book, CLAUDIA DESGRANGES and its “dragged” color and “dilated” light, IVO RINGE with its “painting boards”, and RITA ROHLFING with the his “industrial art”; and finally from Munich MARIA WALLENSTALL SCHOEMBERG and the “joie de vivre” of her chromatic solutions.